Rules applicable to terminations

Company in liquidation: what obligations are still in force?

Company in liquidation: what obligations are still in force?

A dissolved company still has to fulfill some of its responsibilities. It must maintain accounts and prepare annual accounts. In addition, as long as it is not completely liquidated, it must provide a declaration of results each year. Finally, if it still carries out an economic activity, it must declare and pay the VAT due. Here is, […]

Company in liquidation: what obligations are still in force? Read more "

difference between result of liquidation and result of liquidation operations

Result of liquidation operations Vs liquidation result: the differences

The process of dissolving a company is a complex procedure, which involves concepts that are sometimes difficult to grasp. We can hear about, for example, the liquidation result. However, this notion can refer to different types of results. We distinguish the result of “liquidation operations” from the result of “liquidation”… So, what are the

Result of liquidation operations Vs liquidation result: the differences Read more "

statistics of business write-offs 2021

Business failures and deregistrations: 2021 statistics

The year 2022 was remarkable for a curious contrast with regard to the economic and financial difficulties of businesses. Indeed, even though business failures have reached a historically low level (the lowest ever seen in 30 years), business write-offs have jumped by more than +30% in one year.

Business failures and deregistrations: 2021 statistics Read more "

liquidation result calculation

The steps to follow to calculate the liquidation result

According to its name, liquidation residual corresponds to the funds remaining in a company at the end of its liquidation. There are two ways to calculate it, but they assume that the shareholders have declared the early dissolution and that the liquidator has carried out all the liquidation operations. We're talking about liquidation bonuses

The steps to follow to calculate the liquidation result Read more "

dissolve liquidate the same day

Dissolving and liquidating on the same day: is this allowed?

Some fences are easier than others. Although they all follow the same rules, one might legitimately wonder if it is not possible to simplify the process by carrying out all the procedures on the same day. So, can you dismantle and liquidate a company on the same day? In principle, yes, but certain precautions must be taken.

Dissolving and liquidating on the same day: is this allowed? Read more "

dissolution liquidation cancellation order

Dissolution, liquidation and cancellation: the order to follow to close your company

Finish, resolve, delete... These three steps are essential to closing the life of a company. But, in what order should we proceed to put an end to it? There is, in fact, a precise order to follow. In reality, the cessation of activity of a company always follows a specific chronology: Resolution >> Liquidation >>

Dissolution, liquidation and cancellation: the order to follow to close your company Read more "

dissolution without liquidation

Can a company be dissolved without liquidating it?

The closure of a company involves, in the vast majority of cases, liquidation. However, it is possible, in a very specific situation, to dissolve a company without closing it. To do this, certain conditions must be met. The company must be made up of a single person and the sole partner must not be a natural person. Here is everything

Can a company be dissolved without liquidating it? Read more "

The administrative costs to be paid to close a company

The administrative costs to be paid to close a company

Miscellaneous and obligatory costs… The cessation of activity of a company involves several types of expenses resulting essentially from the completion of legal procedures. We can note, among other things, the publication of legal announcements and the filing of files with the registry of the commercial court (dissolution and liquidation). Here is the nature and cost of administrative expenses for

The administrative costs to be paid to close a company Read more "

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