cessation of payments

Suspension of payments, what is it?

La failure of payments is a common concept in business law. It is a term used at a specific stage in the life of a company; when faced with financial problems. In some cases, the cessation of payments may lead to its closure. But that may not be the case. Foundation-company-ricard offers a file defining the failure of payments.

Features of cessation of payments

According to legal definition, cessation of payments is the incapacity for a moral or physical person (of private law) to satisfy its payable liabilities with its active available.

The Commercial Code (article L.631-1) defines cessation of payments as any debtor who finds himself in the impossibility to meet its current liabilities with its available assets.

This distinction is important because it differs from insolvency, which is defined by the comparison between liabilities and assets as a whole.

People who may be affected by the suspension of payments

Every person carrying out commercial, craft, liberal, industrial or agricultural activities may be a victim of insolvency.

Le statut juridique chosen did no consequence. This may be :

  • A Physical person practicing its activity under its own name (sole proprietorship or micro-enterprise, for example) or in the form of a sole proprietorship with limited liability (EIRL);
  • Or a Corporation under private law such as commercial companies (EURL/SARL, SASU/SAS, SA, SNC, etc.), civil companies, economic interest groups (GIE), etc.

Stop paying and the concept of payable liabilities

As mentioned above, the payable liabilities is a more restrictive concept than the passive. The legislation provides a definition of it, referring only to debts to be settled immediately.

Specifically, they correspond to balance sheet liability items and claims :

  • Some (debts that are not disputed both in principle and in amount),
  • Liquidated (debts whose value is determined or at least estimable),
  • Et due (debts whose creditors have the right to demand payment).

Disputed debts or debts not yet matured are not assimilated to payable liabilities.

Stopping of payments and idea of ​​available property

Le well available represents only a fraction of a company's general assets. These are the following assets:

  • liquids (which can be mobilized immediately)
  • Et achievable (which can be converted into cash in the short term).

This may include, for example, amounts of money that are in cash or in bank accounts, or even financial instruments that can be sold very quickly (commercial paper or marketable securities, for example).

Movable or real estate assets owned by the company, its stocks or its receivables, are not considered as disposable assets.

Termination of reimbursements and request for the opening of legal proceedings

When a business is in a state of cessation of repayments, it must, by law, to declare this state to the competent authorities within a period of 45 days maximum. A special file must be submitted and many forms filled out. Then, the company can request, under certain conditions, the opening of a procedure of conciliation.

If this is not done, the judges can pronounce the opening of a procedure of recovery (when the difficulties encountered are reparable) or placement in liquidation (when his situation is irremediably compromised). There is also a simplified judicial liquidation applicable under certain conditions. The precise date of occurrence of the state of cessation of payments is fixed by the court.

When a company is insolvent, it cannot choose an amicable closure.


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Learn more about closing a company:

What is the definition of insolvency?

Answer: Cessation of payments is the term used to refer to the situation in which a company is no longer able to repay its creditors and, therefore, declares bankruptcy.

What are the main signs that can indicate a cessation of payments?

Answer: The main signs that can indicate a cessation of payments are a drop in revenue, high indebtedness, an increase in expenses, recurring late payments, an increase in delinquencies and difficulties in obtaining financing.

What are the consequences of a suspension of payments?

Answer: The consequences of a cessation of payments are liquidation of assets and cessation of activities, risk of bankruptcy, loss of access to credits and loans, loss of reputation and loss of market share .

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