Which status to choose for an Electrician?

If you are looking for a legal status for your electrician activity, you must take into consideration several factors. One of the most important is the type of activity you want to do. Indeed, the company scheme you choose will largely depend on your activity and the administrative procedures to be completed.

The different legal statuses for an Electrician

Auto entrepreneur

Auto-entrepreneur status is the most common choice for electricians. It is very simple to set up and allows you to manage your business without having to worry about accounting and social charges. You also benefit from an advantageous tax and social security regime and you are not required to declare a minimum turnover.

Individual business

If you want to operate as an electrician more professionally and commit to a long-term business, sole proprietorship is a good option. It allows you to benefit from an advantageous tax and social security regime and you are required to declare a minimum annual turnover.


If you want to operate as an electrician more professionally and commit to a long-term business, setting up a company is a good option. It allows you to benefit from an advantageous tax and social security regime and you are required to declare a minimum annual turnover. In addition, you will benefit from legal protection in the event of a dispute.

The steps to follow to create your electricity company

Establishment of a Business Plan

Before setting up your electricity business, you need to draw up a business plan. This document details the type of business you want to do, the market you want to enter, your marketing strategy, and your short and long-term goals.

Registration with the Chamber of Trades and Crafts

Once your business plan has been established, you must register with the Chamber of Trades and Crafts (CMA). This registration allows you to benefit from various aids and subsidies and advice on the steps to follow to create your electricity company.

Request a Siret number and a VAT number

Once you have chosen the legal status of your business, you must apply for a Siret number and a VAT number. These numbers are necessary to start your business and to present your business to your customers.

Calculation of social contributions and taxes

Once you have chosen the legal status of your business and obtained your Siret and VAT numbers, you must calculate the social contributions and taxes you must pay. It is important to understand these amounts and how they apply to your business.

How can I find aid and subsidies for my electricity company?

Grants and subsidies can help you start your electricity business. There are several sources of help and funding available, including banks, public and private agencies, and specialist funding agencies.

Public bodies

Public bodies can offer aid and subsidies to set up your electricity company. You can consult your town hall or your department to find out about the aid available. You can also contact the Regional Business Center (CRE) or the Chamber of Trades and Crafts (CMA) to obtain information on the aid and subsidies offered by the State.

Private organizations

Private organizations can also offer aid and subsidies to set up your electricity company. You can contact banks and specialized financing organizations to obtain information on the aid and subsidies offered.

Specialized funding organizations

There are also specialized financing organizations that can help you find grants and subsidies to set up your electricity business. These organizations offer advice on the steps to follow to obtain aid and subsidies and help you find the most suitable sources of financing for your activity.

How do I find customers for my electricity company?

Once you have established your electricity business, you need to find customers to start your business. There are several ways to find customers for your business, including marketing, networking, and advertising.


Marketing is an essential tool in finding customers for your electrical business. You can use online and offline marketing techniques to promote your business and attract potential customers. You can also create a website for your business and use social media to promote yourself.


Networking is another effective way to find customers for your electrical business. You can attend trade shows and events to meet potential clients and get your name out there. You can also use your personal network to find clients.


Advertising is a powerful tool for finding customers for your electrical business. You can use traditional media such as television, radio and print media to promote your business. You can also use digital media such as social media, online advertising, and search engine campaigns to promote your business.


Choosing a legal status for your electrician activity is not an easy task. But by taking the time to understand the different options available, you can make the choice that's right for you. Once this choice has been made, you will have to follow the necessary steps to set up your electricity company and ensure that you are in good standing with the tax and social security authorities.

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