legal announcement dissolution of the company

The legal announcement of the dissolution of a company

When the members of the Company decide the dissolve, they must write and post a legal publication in a Newspaper of legal notices. Here is an article that details the contents by legal publication of company dissolution, rate, publication procedures and a model.

legal announcement dissolution of the company

When shareholders decide to disappear their company, they must write and post a legal notice in a Newspaper of legal notices. This post reveals the contents by legal announcement of company dissolution, these are price, the means of dissemination and a model.

legal announcement dissolution of the company

When associates decide to end their Company, they must draw up and publish a legal notice in a Newspaper of legal notices. Here is an article that reveals the contents by legal announcement of company dissolution, these are cost, publication methods and a model.

legal announcement dissolution of the company

When the associates decide to dissolve their Company, they must write and publish a legal publication in a Newspaper of legal notices. In this article, we introduce you to the contents by legal announcement of company dissolution, these are rate, the terms of publication and a model.

legal announcement dissolution of the company

When , decide to close their company, they must write and distribute a legal notice in a Newspaper of legal notices. This post describes the contents by legal announcement of company dissolution, these are cost, publication procedures and a model.

Particulars to include when dissolving a company

This article explains the information to be provided in a legal announcement when company dissolution process as well as a reference model for information purposes.

Mandatory data for a legal announcement of company dissolution

Some special information must be presented in a legal announcement concerning the dissolution of a company ; they are the following:

  • Title of the dissolved company, as well as its acronym, if applicable;
  • Form of the company, followed by the words "in liquidation";
  • Amount of share capital;
  • Registered Address ;
  • Identification number of the company followed by the mention RCS and the name of the city where the registry where the company is registered is located;
  • Reason for liquidation;
  • Surname, usual first name and address of the liquidators;
  • Location of the liquidation headquarters and correspondence address;
  • Designation of the registry of the commercial court to which the deeds and documents relating to the liquidation will be filed.

Example of a legal notice of dissolution of a company

Here's a very model of legal notice of dissolution of the company to be published in a Newspaper of legal notices :

Notice of dissolution

Company name: [corporate name]

Form : [legal form of the company followed by the words "in liquidation"]

The head office : [place of the registered office of the company]

Share capital: [amount of share capital in €] euros

Siren number [siren number] RCS [city]

At the end of a deliberation of the extraordinary general meeting dated [date of EGM], the community of partners decided to dissolve the company early as of [date of dissolution] and its amicable liquidation. [First name, last name of the liquidator] residing at [address of liquidator] was appointed as liquidator. The broadest powers to carry out the social operations in progress, to realize the assets, to discharge the liabilities were conferred on him. The seat of liquidation is located at [place of the seat of liquidation], with the same address for correspondence.

Mention will be made to the RCS of [city].

For information and mention.

See our modelslegal announcements for the closing of a company according to its legal form:
- Model of legal announcement of dissolution of SARL or EURL,
- Model of legal announcement of dissolution of SAS or SASU.

Publish a notice of company resolution in a Journal of Legal Announcements (JAL)

Reasons why a dissolved company must publish a legal announcement

When the members of the society voted its disintegration and its liquidation and that they incorporated this decision into a extraordinary general meeting minutes, the company must carry out the distribution of its legal notice of dissolution.

The sole purpose of the legal notice is to notify third parties that the company, dissolved, is in the process of disappear. The publication must also be made in a newspaper of legal announcements covering the department of its headquarters.

Another announcement should, in principle, be made later, when the liquidation is closed. However, some registries accept that companies dissolved and amicably liquidated distribute only one: a legal announcement of dissolution and liquidation.

Cost of a legal notice of dissolution of a company

Until December 31, 2022, the rate of a legal announcement of dissolution varied according to the length of the announcement and the department of diffusion. Thus, a legal announcement of the dissolution of a company costs between one hundred and two hundred euros all taxes included.

Since January 1, 2023, the law has standardized the price of legal announcements of dissolution. Now it rises to 149 euros excluding tax (i.e. 178,80 euros including tax). For advertisements broadcast in Mayotte or Reunion, the price increases to 179 euros excluding taxes.

Usefulness of the certificate of publication issued by the newspaper

Once the ad has been recorded and the broadcast scheduled, the newspaper will quickly deliver a certificate of publication of the legal notice of dissolution.

This document represents one of the proofs required by the business formalities center and by the registry in order to proceed with the rectification of the information appearing in the trade and companies register (RCS).


Do you want to close your company? use our partner service: I close online!


To read also on the subject of the dissolution of companies:

The dissolution of a company requires the drafting and distribution of a legal announcement of dissolution.

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