register eurl online on the internet

Register an EURL online: how to proceed?

It exists three ways for create an EURL : online, by post or directly at a counter. This article looks at the first case : set up an EURL online, that is to say on the Web. Although the procedures differ, they share some commonalities. They are presented first. Next, the specifics of online filing are discussed. Here then how to register EURL online.

Carry out the necessary formalities for the registration of an EURL

Whatever the choice to register the EURL (online, at reception or by mail), there are essential steps to take. Discover them below, in detail.

Draft articles of association and find an organization to deposit the share capital

Before registering a company with the state, it is necessary to draft statutes. This document includes the main characteristics of the company (name, location, capital, period, activity, etc.) and its operating methods. If the sole partner contributes money to the capital, these statutes are not final.

It is then necessary to mention the identity of the depository of the money (it is the organization which receives the funds forming the social capital of the EURL). This is why the sole partner begins by writing a draft statutes. He must then find an organization to deposit capital social (a bank, a notary or the deposit fund) and finalize the statutes of the company.

Note that the sole partner can pay only part of the sums he promised to the company when it was set up. The “released” part must represent at least one fifth (20%) of the total amount subscribed. The rest must be paid within five years of the incorporation of the company.

Write and distribute a notice of creation in a SHAL

Once the statutes have been signed, the EURL in formation must write and publish a legal notice in a medium authorized to receive legal announcements (SHAL). Most often, it is a journal of legal announcements (JAL) but, since the Pacte Law, it can also be an online portal.

THEnotice of creation of EURL must contain several mandatory information : complete identity of the company (name, address, legal form, activity, duration, share capital, designation of the manager, date of signature and terms of establishment of the articles of association (deed under private signature or notarial deed) as well as the city of the registry on which the head office depends.

The ad must appear in a JAL that covers the department where the head office is located. The JAL does not check the content or the conformity of the announcement and provides a certificate of publication. This document is a proof. It proves the dissemination of the notice of creation and is part of the documents to be attached to the registration application for the EURL.

Complete a declaration and submit the registration application

The last step is to complete a declaration of constitution a limited liability company (Form M0 SARL Cerfa 11680). The information requested is taken from the EURL statutes. It also includes tax options: VAT, income tax and option for the micro-enterprise regime.

The EURL may, after completing all of the above steps, apply for registration in the Trade and Companies Register (RCS). If she exercises a commercial activity, she must also apply for registration in the trades directory (RM). The file includes several documents: the articles of association (originals), the M0 form, the JAL certificate, the depositary's certificate and several supporting documents.

Once registered, the EURL receives a Kbis extract. From this moment, it officially exists and has a different heritage from that of the sole partner. She will have her own bank, will be able to sign contracts in her name and become the owner of certain goods.

Online procedure for registering an EURL

The Internet offers an EURL the possibility of digitize all the registration process. She can manage it herself or call on external services (such as “Legaltechs” or “online jurisdictions”) which will take care of the formalities remotely for her.

Drafting of the regulations of an online EURL

The EURL is a legal structure in which the member is alone (this member is also referred to as "single"). So there is few risks whether errors are made in the constitution or elements are omitted. For simple projects, it is possible to download a model of EURL statutes (Source: Entrepreneur's Corner) and the change. Online services offer automatic status generators, for the payment of a small fee if necessary.

Locking of EURL capital on the Internet

It is possible to lock the capital of an EURL without having to travel. For some years, the online banks began to compete with traditional banks in the creative market. The best known are Qonton, Shine, Anytime and many others. These institutions are considered payment institutions and not credit institutions and therefore cannot offer certain services (including loans).

Dissemination of the announcement of creation on the Internet

Many supports, available directly on Internet, allow to publish legal notices. They generally provide users with writing support tools (not to forget to mention something). Fondation-entreprise-ricard offers such a solution. You can benefit from it by clicking on the "Publish a legal announcement" tab in the toolbox displayed above. The certificate of publication is generally delivered in less than an hour.

EURL registration online

If the manager of the company takes care of his registration himself, he can do it on the site of the INPI. He can also use the site managed by the clerks of the commercial courts. When the company uses a online legal service, the folder is directly sent at the business formalities center (CFE) from the accompanying company's website. The EURL then has nothing more to do.


Do you want to create your EURL? Be accompanied by one of our partners: I create online!



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