list of previous head offices

The list of former registered offices: content and model

A company can change its headquarters to another place. In this case, the Commercial Code provides for the establishment of a declaration of previous addresses when the new seat is outside the spring of the registry of the commercial court which carried out the registration of the company. Foundation-company-ricard tells you everything you need to know about the list of former headquarters :

Un model is provided for information only.

list of previous head offices

Any business has the ability to move your seat and from transférer. However, the Commercial Code provides for the establishment of a specific document when the new head office is located outside the spring of the registry of the commercial court which carried out the registration of the company. it's about the list of previous addresses. Foundation-company-ricard tells you everything you need to know about the list of former headquarters :

Un model is also offered as an indication.

list of previous head offices

A company has the ability to move your seat and from transférer. In this case, the Commercial Code provides for the establishment of a declaration of previous addresses when the new seat is out of the spring of the registry of the commercial court which carried out the registration of the company. Foundation-company-ricard tells you everything you need to know about the list of former headquarters :

Un model is provided for information only.

list of previous head offices

Article summary

Organizations requiring a list of former headquarters

Article R123-110 of the Commercial Code stipulates that in “case of transfer of the seat outside the jurisdiction of the court at whose registry the legal person was registered […]. Mention is made, in a document annexed to the articles of association or to the contract, of the previous offices and the registries […] with the indication of the date of the last transfer of the office. » So theobligation to establish the list of previous registered offices only applies to companies that change their graft jurisdiction commercial court. She is part of steps to be taken for a transfer of the registered office.

Moreover, this provision concerns only legal persons, i.e. companies (SAS, SARL, SA, SNC, SCS, SCA, SASU, EURL, Civil Companies, etc.). Natural persons (individual entrepreneurs and micro-entrepreneurs) are not concerned by this document.

For the transfer of registered office, the company must provide the business formalities center with a copy of the list of previous registered offices, attached to a copy of the new articles of association of the company and accompanied by the general meeting minutes. This document must meet the following criteria:

  • Compliance to the original,
  • Et signature of the legal representative (manager, president, etc.).

Information contained in the list of former registered offices

La list of former headquarters states the location of the premises previously occupied by the company to the last address.

This document should also include the data following:

  • The characteristics of the company (legal form, capital, registered office, registry of the competent court);
  • The start date as well as the end date of use of each room;
  • The registry of the commercial court attached to each of them;
  • The designation of the legal representative, his role and his signature.

Previous Head Office List Template

Here's a very former headquarters list template to be submitted to the Business Formalities Center (CFE) in order to declare the change of registered office of your company :

List of previous company headquarters "corporate name"

The undersigned: "surname and first name of the legal representative" resident "full address of the legal representative",

Acting as "quality of legal representative" Company "corporate name", " legal status " to the capital of “amount of share capital” euros, registered in the Trade and Companies Register of " city ", under the number " siren number ".

Declares, in accordance with the provisions of Article R 123-110 of the French Commercial Code, that the former registered offices of the company were as follows:

- “Previous Head Office Address 1”, registered at the registry of the Commercial Court of " city ""start date of occupation" au "end of occupancy date" ;
- “Previous Head Office Address 2”, registered at the registry of the Commercial Court of " city ""start date of occupation" au "end of occupancy date" ;

- Etc.

Made in "place of establishment".
Le " date of establishment".

Signature of the legal representative of the company.

When it is a first transfer of headquarters, the company did not occupy any premises previously. The following statement should therefore be inserted, following “Declare, in accordance with the provisions of Article R 123-110 of the Commercial Code”:

That the company had not operated any transfer of registered office to date, this being fixed since its incorporation at " city " au "full address of the former registered office".


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To read also on the steps of transfer of registered office:

What is the purpose of the list of former registered offices?

Answer: The list of previous headquarters is used to list the previous addresses where the company's headquarters was located.

What content should the list of former registered offices contain?

Answer: The list of former headquarters should contain the addresses of the former headquarters, their opening and closing dates, and the reasons for their transfer.

How to write a list of previous headquarters?

Answer: It is recommended to draw up the list of previous head offices according to a predefined template, including the information mentioned above.

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